Drupal: How to add external links from any module

Drupal: How to add external links from any moduleIf it requires to add one or more external file/ files (like something.css, something.js), we can use drupal_set_html_head function (drupal 6.x only).

sample code:


Drupal: Cut Piece (will be updated regularly)

Drupal: How to add external links from any module

If it requires to add one or more external file/ files (like something.css, something.js), we can usedrupal_set_html_head function (drupal 6.x only).
sample code:

Drupal: CSS Browser Selector Module

This module might help to reduce cross browser css issues.

See this link for more: http://drupal.org/project/css_browser_selector

CSS Formatter and Optimiser

Check this out:




cakephp pagination auto increment

$prevPage = $paginator->counter(array('format' => '%page%'));
$nextPage = $paginator->counter(array('format' => '%pages%'));
$perPageTotal = $paginator->counter(array('format' => '%current%'));
$grandTotal = $paginator->counter(array('format' => '%count%'));

if($prevPage == 1)
$count = 1;
else if($prevPage == $nextPage)
$count = ($grandTotal-$perPageTotal) + 1;
$count = (($prevPage-1)*$perPageTotal) + 1;


The Biggest Gathering For Creative People
Swapnershiri.com is a place where the dreamer can fulfill their dream. ... Either you are artist or an art lover, stay connected with swapnershiri.com. ...

I am the lead developer of http://swapnershiri.com

jQuery UI Datepicker: End Date will >= Start Date Solution

dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy',
minDate: new Date(, , ),
maxDate: '+6m'

var $getMinDate = new Date(, , );
function setDef(input, inst) {
var $getCheckOutDate = $('#check_in_date').val();
if($getCheckOutDate != '')
$getMinDate = $getCheckOutDate.split('-');
return {

//minDate: new Date(, , )
minDate: new Date($getMinDate[2], $getMinDate[1]-1, $getMinDate[0])

dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy',
maxDate: '+6m',
beforeShow: setDef